Link to design Design Guidance and recommendation.
Space Total Air Changes Per Hour
• Three to six ACH minimum during occupied periods. The maximum should be based on design loads.
• Reduced volume during unoccupied periods is acceptable to conform to energy code requirements.
Base Minimum
As determined in accordance with Table 6-1 in ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2019,
MERV 13 filters for all recirculated air.
Air Distribution
Design systems to provide well-mixed air. Avoid air velocities that create drafts or create airflow across or from one occupant to another.
Air Cleaners
Consider air cleaners with HEPA filtration to supplement ventilation systems and distribution design to ensure minimum space air change CADR levels are
met. This can include multiple air cleaners positioned to best provide air cleaning.
Design systems for maximum 40 dB in classrooms.